Faculty Focus

Faculty Focus: June 2022

数学老师杰里·克里布斯也是esball世博男子高尔夫球队的主教练iaison to the school’s Evans Scholarship Program for caddies.
What is your educational background?
JK: 我获得了西北大学的学士学位(感谢 Chick Evans Caddie Scholarship) and my master's from DePaul University.
What did you do prior to becoming a teacher at Fenwick?

JK: 很难相信我已经在华盛顿大道生活了10年! 在esball世博之前,我在卡梅尔天主教高中教书,在卡梅尔之前,我在圣. Francis de Sales High School. Prior to teaching, I was a golf caddie at Beverly Country Club, 哪一个和我现在的工作一样是我最喜欢的工作.
What are you currently reading for enjoyment?
JK: 我有两个孩子,5岁的麦茜(Maisie)和7岁的伊莱(Eli),我所有悠闲的阅读都是在他们睡觉的时候进行的. Maisie loves goofy stories and Eli loves non-fiction.
What interests do you pursue outside of the classroom?

JK: 我喜欢和我妻子凯利一起去听从菲茨杰拉德到红石的音乐会, doing all things baseball with Eli (Go Sox!),和梅西一起享受生活中的彩虹和独角兽. 我是一个狂热的高尔夫球手,希望我的下背部足够健康,可以在球场上再享受几十年. 我唱歌和弹原声吉他,并相信歌曲创作是在我们的世界中建立同理心的最强大的工具之一. 我喜欢填字游戏,我的日常生活包括 New York Times Crossword, Spelling Bee and now Wordle. 我是一个毫无歉意的书呆子,总是喜欢收集有用的东西(它总是有用的)!) knowledge.
To what teams and/or clubs did you belong as a student?
JK: As a high school student at St. Laurence, I was a member of the golf team, Scholastic Bowl team, 在已故伟大的帕特·福勒的指导下,他是一名自豪的“数学选手”. 
Which clubs/sports/activities do you run at Fenwick?

JK: I am the head coach of Varsity Boys' Golf, the head coach of Scholastic Bowl, and the Evans Scholars Liaison here at Fenwick. 弗莱尔的高尔夫球手们在球场上磨练自己的身体和精神,总是给我留下深刻的印象. 修士学校保龄球手是一个美好的社区,他们毫不掩饰地热爱学习,充满了竞争精神. 至于埃文斯奖学金,如果我还没有从课堂上认识申请者的话,就要到 know their stories 当他们申请并获得改变一生的奖学金时,我每年都在更新. They are stories of kids from working-class parents who, similar to my own, sacrifice so much to give their children opportunity. 这些故事讲述了才华横溢的年轻人在每一个转折点都努力工作,以充分利用这个机会. Then, with the help of the Evans Scholars Foundation, 这些工人阶级的成功故事一直延续到大学甚至更远的地方.

What quality/characteristic marks a Fenwick student?
JK: 无论他们的天赋和激情如何,esball世博修士都渴望成为伟大的人. 每到新学年,我都会认识大约120名学生. 每年我都会收到一群伟大的思想家, hearts and spirits in my classroom. It is truly a blessing.


JK: Like most educators, I was inspired by the great teachers in my life, the greatest of whom was Tom Gorman. 汤姆是我的英语老师、高尔夫教练和球童导师. In his career in the classroom and at the caddie shack, he impacted thousands of young people, 我想如果我的影响力能达到他的十分之一, what a rewarding life it would be. 在我长大成人的过程中,我很幸运能让汤姆成为我的良师益友,直到他于2019年去世. 他一直是我的北极星,让我继续努力成为学生们最好的老师.
JK: 我非常喜欢学习,我试着让这种激情在我的教学中闪耀. 我庆祝打破常规的思维,享受每一次学生勇敢地解释另一种方法的旅程. 我试着在每节课中注入幽默,让孩子们在学习时开怀大笑. 为人父母帮助我建立了耐心和远见,在这方面,我还在努力. 知道每天把自己的宝贝送到学校是什么感觉,让我意识到我在教室里也收到了别人的宝贝. 
What are your favorite classes to teach?
JK: In my teaching career, I have taught U.S. 历史、世界历史、社会学、心理学、代数、几何、微积分预科和微积分. 把我放在一个满是学生的教室里,这是我最喜欢教的课.
What is the greatest success you have had in teaching?
JK: Any great success is an accumulation of the little successes that occur each day -- a student having the courage to explore (and re-explore) a problem without knowing the destination; a student applying a previous concept in a new and unique way; or a student challenging an approach to see if the logic is sound. On a broader scale, 每当有学生告诉我,我的课对他们产生了影响, no matter how small, it is a success.
What challenges face students today?
JK: 社交媒体对孩子来说是一个挑战,我很高兴我的成长过程中没有它. 我认为所有的年轻人都应该有犯错的自由, 向他们学习,在没有数字文件记录的情况下成为最好的自己.
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