Faculty Focus

Faculty Focus: May 2018

What is your educational background?
RF: I graduated from Fenwick in 1959. (The White Sox in World series!) B.S. 1963年从芝加哥洛约拉大学(Loyola University Chicago)毕业(那一年他们赢得了NCAA篮球冠军)!); M.A. from Loyola Chicago.
Finnell as a Fenwick junior in 1958.

What did you do prior to becoming a Fenwick teacher?
RF: 我大学毕业,三个月后,也就是1963年9月,我开始在esball世博工作. (Obviously, I was five at the time!)

What are you reading for enjoyment?
RF: The New Yorker 杂志,为戏剧和电影评论和深入的文章.
What interests do you pursue outside the classroom?
RF: 旅行和看比赛(一些可能是BFG的制作),看白袜队的比赛(一次看了一场无安打vs. the Sox).

To what teams/clubs did you belong as a student?
RF: I played alto sax in the Fenwick Band (and still have it!).

Which clubs/sports/activities do you run at Fenwick?
RF: I coach the State Math Team. (自1981年州一级联赛开始以来,我是伊利诺伊州唯一一位仍在执教的原主教练.) I produce and direct BFG productions. 《esball世博》作为导演排名第82(作为制片人排名第100)。. 本人现为总教区数学教师会副主席(自一九六八年起为理事). I also help when I can with the Kairos retreat program. 我是国家数学竞赛委员会的成员(从1985年开始担任首席统计学家). For 33 years I ran a student tour to London. For many years I was student Council Moderator. (No, really, sometimes I do sleep!)

What qualities/characteristics mark a Fenwick student?
RF: 有天赋,勤奋,(希望)有爱心和同情心

RF: I always enjoyed math and (hopefully) was good at it. 我在高中三年级的时候决定成为一名数学老师. 乔治·康威,esball世博的传奇数学老师,他在这里教了我三年. (当我回来的时候,我确实和他一起教了大约五年的书.)

RF: I am a good listener and a detail person. 我认为这有助于我预测学生可能会问的几乎所有问题. 我想也许我能想象出他们脑子里的轮子在转动.

What do you like most about teaching as a career?
RF: 每个上课日的每个时段都是不同的,带来新的体验. I enjoy seeing students grow in their math knowledge and, hopefully, 在不断发展更成熟的学习态度.

What is your philosophy of education?
RF: To treat my students as young adults, because that is what they are (and how they act most of, but not all of, the time). 当我这样做的时候,希望我能帮助他们在课堂内外灌输基督教的价值观. 我努力鼓励学生进行分析性思考,培养合理的推理技巧, 并帮助学生看到数学的美和逻辑,以及它在上帝的宇宙结构中的地位.

What is the greatest success you have had in teaching?
RF: 看到我的学生们在上大学的时候在数学方面做了充分的准备,听到他们在大学数学和数学方面取得的成功, for some, hearing how they are using their math in their careers.

RF: In this technical age of society today, 我希望学生们不要仅仅依靠计算器和电脑来为他们做所有的思考. 他们不会让社交媒体决定他们如何道德地生活.

How do you encourage class participation?
RF: 我希望我的学生知道,他们可以在任何时候有适当的问题停止上课. To be sure the thinking I am looking for is going on, 我的目标是每天在课堂上听到每个学生的声音. This does not happen all of the time. 但是我会问那些我没有听到他们声音的学生,他们是否看到了问题中正在发生的事情,并希望这将鼓励他们在未来提出问题.

Any memorable moments?
RF: Where to begin?
  • 作为学生会的主持人,多次成功的返校周和毕业舞会. (I have lost count!).
  • 花了一大笔钱把《esball世博》带到esball世博,” the “Animal House” movie band, 在劳利斯体育馆举办的一场音乐会,结果吸引了一群人,100.
  • As London tour guide, 观察学生们在参观伦敦及周边地区众多历史文化景点时的反应, for a number of years, in Paris.
  • As Math Team Coach, winning the state championship in our division in 2002, with six or seven second-place finishes since, 还有很多个人和团体的州冠军.
  • As BFG producer/director, 指导这么多才华横溢的学生演员在这么多令人难忘的作品中取得成功. 我跟随一些非常有天赋的BFG校友的专业表演艺术生涯. (我最喜欢的BFG节目是2011年的《esball世博》——这是一部完美的节目,有着完美的演员阵容.)
  • As a math teacher, 有幸帮助这么多极具天赋的学生发展数学技能. At least two now have Ph.D.’s in math. Mr. Kotty and Mrs. Esposito are two former State Math Team captains!
  • 作为凯洛斯的助手,当我看到静修者在知识和爱中成长时,我有很多激动的时刻.
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