

Before coming to Fenwick in 2015, English Teacher Ms. 麦格拉迪曾为他的导师. 28年前在森林公园的洛丹!
GM: B.A. - Dominican University; M.Ed. ——东北伊利诺伊大学

What did you do prior to becoming a teacher at Fenwick?
GM: The first principal to hire me right out of college (1990) was from St. Bernardine School in Forest Park; his name was Dr. 杰拉尔德Lordan. Little did I know back then how blessed I would become with the teaching profession and with that professional mentor. 在圣. Bernardine, I taught in the English department at Proviso East High School until I became a mom. I stayed home with my sons (Ethan ’18 and Liam ’19) while an adjunct [professor] at Wright College and substitute at Ascension School. In 2008 I returned to full-time teaching as the middle school Language Arts teacher at St. 森林河的卢克学校. In 2015, Dr. Lordan welcomed me again, this time as a colleague at esball世博.

What interests do you pursue outside of the classroom?
GM: 我喜欢阅读和写作. I am currently in research mode for my second work of Chicago historical fiction, the sequel to . 那部小说使我赢得了这个头衔, 2016 Winner of the Soon to be Famous Illinois Author Project (a self-publishing initiative sponsored by the Illinois Library Association and Reading Across Illinois Library Systems). 自获奖以来, I’ve been speaking at libraries throughout the state about my writing journey. I also dabble in poetry and essays for personal and publishing purposes. I tend to be my most focused and inspired while writing at my favorite spot called the Friendly Coffee Lounge (Berwyn). Being part of a music community (t在这里’s a live music venue next door and a music school upstairs), 我被另一种“爱”(音乐)包围. I’m always taking notes for a future project, a non-fiction book called 友好的民族, to share the vibrant history of these businesses as well as the heartfelt stories of musicians and patrons who call this place “home.”

To what teams and/or clubs did you belong as a student?
GM: Growing up with four brothers and a sports-fanatic father, I’ve always appreciated sports. 不幸的是, I never got much of a chance to play them because my grade school only offered cheerleading as an organized sport for girls; thus, I started cheering when I was in second grade, a tag-a-long for the 8th grade team (my dad was the basketball coach). So, 这就是所有的运动, but not for team/club involvement: theater, 跳舞, 演讲, 年鉴, 学生会, 多元文化俱乐部, 唱诗班, 教会青年团... 我是80年代的玛西娅·布雷迪. 

Which clubs/Sports/Activities do you run at Fenwick?
GM: I am the Speech Club moderator, and I also coordinate a tutoring program with St. 凯瑟琳/圣. 露西学校. I enjoy both endeavors but am especially proud of the esball世博的学生做家教 和我在一起. 这个话题? 数学!

What quality/characteristic marks a Fenwick student?
GM: All Fenwick students -- no matter their religion or class, 国籍或种族, ability level or personal interest -- ALL Fenwick students come from homes that value education and service. A student’s academic progress is a priority, and we all do our part in helping others. We’ve actually talked in my classes about those characteristics, and my students agree.

What personal strengths do you find especially helpful in your teaching?
GM: 尊重. T在这里 are plenty of rules in life, but that’s my umbrella rule in the classroom. 它的工作原理. 我尊重学生,他们也尊重我.
I tell them to succeed in my classroom and in life in general, 在他们行动或说话之前, 问自己两个问题:
  1. 我的行为/言语会惹恼女士吗. Magrady?
  2. 我的行为/言语会让女士失望吗. Magrady?” If the answer is yes to either question, I tell my students to avoid the action or word.
What is the greatest success you have had in teaching?
GM: 每年在圣. Luke, the graduating class truly believed they were my favorite class. 他们总是对的. :)

How do you motivate your students to become active learners in your classroom?
GM: 每个人都应该做好参与的准备. A hand-raiser might not be the one called on in class. I also like to use group activities like Quizlet Live, GoogleDocs/Slides for presentations.

GM: Being invited to the Fenwick Hockey Teacher Appreciation Night and accepting the St. 亚历山大凯瑟琳奖. 我真的很幸运. 非常私人的, memorable moment was being on the stage when my son, 伊桑[18], 获得毕业证书. I look forward to a repeated memory this coming May with my son, Liam!
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