

意大利语老师. 肖娜·亨尼西在esball世博开始了她的第14个年头.
SH: 从里昂镇高中毕业后, I received a Bachelor of Arts in Art and Design with a minor in Italian from DePaul University. I later returned to obtain my Master of Education in World Languages along with my certification and endorsements in teaching Italian and Visual Arts. 

SH: 在esball世博, I taught English at L’Istituto di Istruzione Superiore Luca Pacioli, Crema的一所中学, 意大利. I worked in tandem with teachers of each subject matter to teach lessons on the content students were currently learning, 但在英语中. In order to offer full English immersion to the students, 我试图假装不懂意大利语, forcing them to converse only in English (my students at Fenwick might recognize this tactic …“Non ho capito!”). 它起了一点作用, until I laughed out loud overhearing one of their jokes in the hallway and my cover was forever blown.

SH: I’m currently reading Malcolm Gladwell’s most recent book 与陌生人交谈多亏了esball世博的数学老师. Dactilidis的建议. I am also finishing up rereading Western Springs native, Joseph Scapellato’s 化妆的男人 因为这是纯粹的文学天才. 

SH: I am obsessed with anything that gets me moving outdoors, 无论什么季节:徒步旅行, 运行, 骑自行车, 网球, 园艺, 划独木舟, 滑雪, 越野滑雪. I live for traveling and meeting people from all over the world, but I value most spending time with friends and family right 在这里 at home. I especially love hanging with many of my colleagues from Fenwick who are some of the most beautiful souls I’ve ever met. 哦,让我们把烹饪和吃饭也加到清单上, 当然, which can be done in between (or even during) all of the above activities.

SH: Prior to high school I practically lived at the dance studio after school, 练习芭蕾舞, 爵士和嘻哈. I also played a little piano, violin, softball and 网球 recreationally. 因为我父母都工作, 当我上了高中, I spent most of my time outside of school either taking care of my three younger siblings or working at a job of my own.

SH: I am the moderator for the Italian Club and am also starting (and loving) my first year as Girls’ Frosh/Soph Assistant Tennis coach. 

SH: 只有一个? 有很多美妙的特点, but I’d have to say that Fenwick students are some of the most compassionate individuals I’ve ever encountered. Countless times I have witnessed Friars go out of their way to help someone else, 不求任何回报. 

When did you decide to become a teacher, and why did you choose this field?
SH: I think I’ve always been destined for the teaching profession, despite trying to ignore that calling through high school and undergrad. 作为一个孩子, I used to force my poor siblings to sit in front of an art easel while I taught them Algebra and French. (I know … not the most fun older sister, but they seem to have forgiven me since.) But then, 当我上了高中, I thought, ‘Why would anyone want to do this for a living?’ Somehow I finally discovered my love of teaching when I taught English in 意大利. 我一直很喜欢学习语言, and teaching not only allows me to build others’ linguistic confidence but also permits me to be a lifelong learner.

What personal strengths do you find especially helpful in your teaching?
SH: Well, besides being hilarious, I like to think that I create a welcoming community in my classroom. I view my students as adults and strive to treat them as such, in hopes that they will in turn treat each other with respect. 对许多人来说,学习一门新语言是令人恐惧的, but if you can have a sense of humor about your mistakes, 那只会让它更有趣.

SH: I feel incredibly fortunate that I often have students for three, even all four years in a row. My greatest successes are witnessing them step into the Italian classroom freshmen year knowing little more than the word 意大利面 and reaching near fluency by the end of their senior year at Fenwick. 

SH: Staying mentally well, especially in the midst of a global pandemic. Too often, I’m reminded how high the stress, anxiety and depression levels are for students nowadays. The pressure of being a competitive candidate for universities, 在许多其他事情中, 今天的学生肩上是否背负着沉重的负担. It can be an immense challenge for them to pause and do some serious self-care, but it’s crucial. So take a moment to breathe, because if we’ve learned anything from the Italians this year 安德罗·图托恩(一切都会好起来的).

你知道吗?? In 2019, Fenwick’s “Italian Room” (Room 14) was renamed in honor of late alumnus/restaurateur 弗兰克·卡皮塔尼尼50年. 阅读更多.
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